Michelle usher from Michelle usher hair shop Birmingham uk

Why Buy From Me?

Essentially, it is up to you where you get your hair products from…but here’s why I'd love you to consider buying them from me.

I use these products day in, day out for my full time Hairdressing business, but also at home too. I swear by each and every one of them and I bloody love them all!

I can 100% guarantee the authenticity of the products I sell. There are a lot of fake copies of the products out there and I would hate anyone to buy something incorrect and not genuine. This would mis-lead you into potentially damaging your hair and not getting the real results that can be achieved by using originals.

I can give you true advice on these products - whether this be via a consultation to help you find the right product for you or a video tutorial on how exactly to use your product, giving you some top tips that you may not see on other sites. This will also mean that you will be advised on the right amount of product to use, meaning no wastage and your products will last longer. Simple, clear instructions to make sure you get the best out of your purchases.

Please rest assured that I would never sell anything that I do not 100% believe in. If you read my client testimonials here, you can see the feedback from my actual clients who come to me regularly. They know what these products mean to me and know my passion for them. 

I constantly keep up to date with my training in using the products so that my advice is current, clear and true. 

One of my biggest frustrations is when I overhear someone talking about a product they are using and how it isn’t giving them the results they want. I know this will be down to the product not being right for their hair type and them being mis-informed or un-educated on the correct products for their hair. Where I can, I will always offer my expertise on this to make sure they don’t dismiss the importance of hair products altogether.

Getting the right products for people and making their hair routine easier gives me a real buzz. Every persons hair is different and what might work for one person might not work for another, so it is my job to make sure that people don’t do wrong by their hair.

If you choose to buy from me (and I hope that you do), I want to say a big thank you for supporting an independent business and supporting my dream. I’m just a hardworking hairdresser who wants to share my knowledge and passion of these products with you.

The small, personal touches will hopefully set me apart from the giants and your support means the world to me.

Much love



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